DID YOU STARVE YOURSELF? | The Secrets Behind my Successful Fat Loss

Hello, all.

Wow, sounded a bit like Jim from Friday Night Dinner. Need to find a less awkward opener for these posts. 

 So I know I said I was going to post more frequently but typical, as soon as I said that and I thought things were getting calm enough for me to post more then a load of stuff showed its head and naturally, I had to deal with it.

Fingers crossed this doesn't happen again, I want to up the anti and get some clients now. 

So I'm not going to beat around the bush with this post. I've had about 20+ questions on my recent Instagram Q&A things (on my stories) asking how I changed my lifestyle 'so dramatically' when I lost my 2-3st of weight all those years back when I began boxing. 

Just a disclaimer, if you're here for a free plan I'm not giving my success away for free. I don't charge much for a simple plan. Just message me, I'd be happy to help you. 

I am going to stress now that whilst my boxing coaches encouraged and inspired me, I did the graft and dieting myself. Because truth be told, I didn't go into boxing just to lose weight. Granted, I didn't feel good about my size, but it wasn't until I noticed the changes in my lifestyle that I was getting my figure complemented more and more, I got more confident and more pleased with my aesthetic. As a result I started taking note of what I was eating and how I was exercising to really fine-tune my lifestyle and create more of an athletic physique rather than just losing the fat and thinking 'well now what?'.  

A lot of people asked if it was incredibly hard work to do, if I just starved myself,  if it was treacherous etc. To be honest, yes it was hard but the results were worth it. But when I say it was hard, I don't mean I was crying and sniffing cake to ease the pain every other night. I found the process really enjoyable, because I was learning to box and my efforts were being recognised, and then I began experiencing the pleasure of developing an athletic physique. 

 The secret to successful weight loss is considering your current body composition, setting an achievable goal, and just being sensible. Let's jet back to my first week of training. After my first session I was too tired to think about cooking dinner or ordering a pizza (I was on the takeaways a lot prior to training). So the first step was the development of a healthy sleeping pattern as a result of really pushing myself during my workout sessions. I know it's a lot easier said than done to begin a healthy sleeping pattern, but this makes the world of difference in supporting your metabolism and ensuring you feel energised to expend additional calories and energy. 

 As I had found a medium of exercise that I enjoyed, I put more effort in and therefore got more out of it. I was originally just boring myself by doing a little half-hearted jog on the treadmill and scrolling through social media whilst on the cross-trainer. I see people doing this to this day and wondering where they're going wrong. You're never going to find the motivation to exercise and achieve your goals if you don't find exercise you enjoy- and there are so many different classes/styles of training available!

 Calorie tracking wasn't initially my primary concern. But, I was basically eating less and moving more. Now people assume this is gruelling and involves living off salads and Ryvita crisp breads. Oh, contraire. Because I was exercising regularly, I quite naturally began to crave foods that would make me feel fresh, energised and ready to exercise. I ate foods like homemade curries, and learned to enjoy hundreds of variations of chicken based meals. I didn't guilt trip myself if I had the occasional treat, and even planned these meals in to my weekly/daily calorie goals when I fancied them. Because let's be honest, restricting yourself is a very unhealthy and unrealistic slippery slope down to inevitable failure and doom (sorry, bit dramatic). 

 I also avoided compensating my exercise with more food. After burning 300 or so calories on a run a lot of people feel that to lose weight they have earned or need to 'refuel' by eating more. Successful weight loss depends on healthy caloric deficit. I'm not talking about limiting yourself to 1200 calories a day and aiming to burn at least half of those (because that's ridiculous and unhealthy- PLEASE NEVER DO THIS). All I simply did was move down from having about 2500 calories a day with no water and oversleeping, to 1500-2000 calories a day, with an hour and a half of intense exercise for four days a week. I was conscious of what my calories consisted of, I stayed hydrated so I could avoid unnecessary snacking and overeating. I was more active in my daily life rather than not sleeping until 12am and then lying in bed until 2pm. The changes really were this simple and I became aware I had no excuse to have not done this sooner.

This wasn't just a lifestyle change for self-validation. This was necessary. There are so many people out there who are uncertain and concerned about their own lifestyles but shrug it off and cope with it through humour. I didn't realise how unhappy I was until I started exercising and eating properly, or how confident I could be in myself if I simply tweaked my own bad habits rather than constantly comparing myself to others and doing nothing to help myself. There are so many negative assumptions associated with lifestyle changes. 'You're conforming to societal standards of beauty, there's nothing wrong with you'. 'It's easier said than done, not everyone has access to these changes'. But 98% of the time these changes are made by people who lack the confidence and support to make these jumps and changes, and also by people who are desperately trying to find comfort in their own discomfort and lack of self-esteem (if that makes sense). 

Feel like I've gone off on a massive tangent there but I hope it's answered your questions and really simplify how I was successful in my plight to change my lifestyle. 

 I really want to help support as many people as possible in just making changes and to adopt a more healthy lifestyle, push themselves beyond boundaries they thought they couldn't cross (eurgh yes I just dry heaved too, sorry), and become more confident in what their body and mind can actually do, rather than what they just think it can do. If this is something that appeals to YOU, contact me on

Instagram- livfitness7
Email- omarshman-246@hotmail.co.uk


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