
My name is Olivia-Grace Marshman (please just call me Liv, everyone else does) and I am a novice boxer/training primary school teacher from Derby. I participated in Ultra White Collar boxing twice this year (July 2018 & October 2018) and realised punching people is quite fun and perhaps something I want to pursue. After comparing my performances from both July and October, I noticed a definite improvement (both fights were pretty shocking, though) and thought boxing was probably something I could be good at. 

Boxing is something I have always wanted to try and completely changed who I am as a person. Before my first fight, I was eating all the wrong foods and staying in bed until one o'clock every afternoon. Whilst I was doing well in my studies, my lifestyle was poor. Since starting boxing, I have shifted two stone in the space of four months and am continuing to shred weight and look more defined. My sleeping pattern has tidied up, I eat clean and stay hydrated and feel a million times better than I used to. 

But I didn't take the easy road.

I didn't take any supplements. I wasn't on any special ABC diet, a Slimming World plan or anything. All my results are through a balanced diet and strict exercise routine. To get the body you want, there is no 'easy road' or 'cop outs'. It is hard work. And if I can do it, so can you. Which leads me on to the purpose of this blog.

When broadcasting my results on my Instagram and Snapchat stories, I constantly had people messaging me asking what I've eaten, what exercises I've done and how I got my results. I decided to set up this blog so I could answer all these questions by writing regular blog posts to update people with my progress, as well as to keep myself motivated and on the right track. Whilst I have no qualifications in personal training or whatever, I have real results that I can share with you for free. 

From this blog, you can expect...

- Motivational posts - Workout ideas - Diet ideas - Boxing experiences - Photo results -Reviews - Hints and Tips - Q and A's -



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