*DOUBLE POST* Carb-less | Day Three and Four

I am going to keep this short and sweet because I feel like death and have two days to provide insight on...

Day 4 (today)

Today has been an okay day, but I have felt absolutely knackered throughout and made the mistake of doing 'leg day' in the gym towards the end of my first week on no/low-low carbs. The way I should have actually done it is the bigger muscles i.e. legs/quads/glutes at the beginning of the week where I am harbouring more energy and 'the car is fuelled', and the smaller muscles towards the end of the week where I am feeling more slow and week. But, that is a lesson learned for next week. 

 In terms of my shape, I have not noticed a huge difference but on Sunday's post I will share some comparison photos from how I was looking before I started this diet and a 'One Week In' photo. I doubt there will be a significant difference but we might notice a few small changes. I think where we are really going to notice change and definition, if this holds out, is when I leave to go on holiday in three weeks time. 

 I have done a bit of holiday shopping though and I am happy with my basic physique although ideally I would like to be a bit leaner before we go away but I am aware the changes made in three weeks are not going to be dramatic. But, my arms are looking incredibly toned and defined in the clothes I have bought. Couldn't stay disciplined enough to not buy some more gym clothes though. Oops

 My workout was a bit of a flop, as said. I was impressed with how much I pumped out though! I just felt dead and was definitely not feeling cardio after weights ahaha. Because I am feeling so dead I am going to just stop rambling on with pointless side-stories, give you the low down of my work-out and what I've eaten, complete Day 3 ' s entry and then have a freakin' long nap so I can conserve my energy to watch Love Island because it looks like there is going to be some drama in my life which I need to replace the excitement I would usually get when eating bread. 


4x protein chicken strips, unseasoned 
Monster Ultra 
YUM! Protein Bar (think that is what it was called, but it had 0.2g of carbs in and was from Asda)

Tesco Mini Chicken Breast 
Sugar Free Red Bull (I was feeling knackered, ok?)
Sweet & Salty Popcorn (yes, there are some carbs in popcorn but not an amount that is anywhere near detrimental to my goal! Calm down before you say owte, I know what I am doing)
Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein Shake in Strawberry flavour 

Roast chicken and salad (I like chicken, ok?
Carb-less banana pancakes with 0% fat, unsweetened yoghurt (literally mashed bananas and egg whites)
Can of Diet Coke

Punnet of cherries
GRENADE Pre-Workout Devastation Berry Blast 

Five cups 

*probably haven't eaten enough again but as I always say, this is a huge learning curve for me and I want to start getting this right before I help others. I love to learn and you can only really learn what is right for your body by putting your body through the process. No book or internet search will EVER override what your body wants and needs from you. 


n/a because I just didn't have the energy, but I have done a lot of walking around today. For those who know me well, you can vouch for me when I say I walk everywhere at quite a brisk pace. 

Weights and toning 
Leg Press 4x12 w/ 45kg (was feeling weak af) with a pulse finisher (50 pulses)
Seated Leg Extension drop sets (drop 10kg x 4, pulses, then partner resistance for 20 secs)
Hamstring Curls 4 x 20
Glute Bridges with 15kg plate 4 x 20
Plated single leg raise with 15kg 4 x 20
Hack Squat Station 25kg 4 x 12 
Free Standing Squats 45 kg 4 x 12 then 1 x 20 

Day 3

Yesterday was a good day in terms of energy which I was surprised about, considering I was three days in. I was feeling productive at work and was very on-task, without making mindless mistakes (besides almost dropping a plate of food in front of the chef who'd just spent an hour making that meal ahah). I was put on hot plates though which meant I was in charge of handling a lot of hot, amazing-looking food which included a hell of a lot of bread and other juicy carbs. But, I withheld. I didn't use my lunch allowance to get a sausage bap or spuddy. I ate my salad, drank my protein shake and had a sh*t ton of water. 

 Also, I went bowling with Jack after my shift at a place where Papa John's, Tango Ice Blasts and all that jazz is served. I couldn't bring myself to look at the adverts but I withheld and just bought myself a mini chargrilled chicken fillet, some melon fingers and a Monster Ultra as a snack on route home.

 Towards the end of the evening my energy did start to dip a bit, despite not doing a workout. I suppose I did do a shift at work but I can't say it was particularly strenuous. Then again, carbs give us energy so what do I expect! 

But seriously...I did almost fall asleep half way through Love Island where as the night before I was having to force myself to get to sleep with some random 'Sleep' playlist on Spotify. I also laid eyes on a load of sweet treats in the cupboard at Jack's house when trying to find something to drink but steered myself away.


2 eggs, one slice of Torchon Ham (made into an omelette with no butter)
Unsweetened, 0% fat natural yoghurt with pineapple

Optimum Nutrition Protein Shake in Strawberry Flavour 
Chicken and salad 

Chicken Enchilada without the wrap and cheese (so chicken, onion and pepper in salsa sauce

2 x mini chicken fillets from Tesco
Monster Ultra
4 x Melon Fingers
4 x Pineapple Fingers 

8 cups throughout the day, probably more I actually lost count!


n/a Rest Day


Stay tuned for Day Five tomorrow to see if I crack! 

Liv xo


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