Ten Ways to Stay Dedicated in the New Year

Hello, everyone!

I cannot believe we are already heading into 2019. And I trust that a fair few of you have already started thinking about your New Year's Resolutions. A common New Year Resolution is either 'I will lose weight or 'I will keep fit'. But did you know that 80% of people give up their New Years Resolution by February? That's why I have come up with these ten ways to stay dedicated to your fitness goals throughout the course of the New Year! 

1. Figure out your 'why'

Before you even begin, you need to figure out why you want to get fit or lose weight. It's pointless even starting if you don't know why you are doing it and is the most common mistake people make. I started going to the gym early last year so I could get my fitness up to do my lifeguarding course. Once I'd got my lifeguarding qualification and first lifeguarding job, I stopped going because I didn't feel like I had a purpose there. Until I figured out I enjoyed boxing. So from then on, my 'why' was because I wanted to get fit for the sport I loved and so I could look lean and toned in the ring. Your why doesn't have to be complex, it could be as simple as 'to feel good about myself', or 'to drop a dress size'. But as soon as you're certain of your reason/s, that's when you can make a logical game plan.

2. Take a 'before' picture 

It's important to track your results. If you have no visual recording of your progress you're just going to pack it in because you won't have evidence of any difference. I usually take mine in my sports underwear so I can see the areas for improvement, but you may want to take it in an outfit that looks a little tight. Save it as your phone lock screen or screensaver so you can look at it and use it to motivate you. Then in four weeks, take another photo and compare the two. I promise, if you are working out regularly and eating the right foods you will see brilliant results. You will feel rewarded and that feeling cannot be beaten. Then, use the new photo as your lock screen to keep you striving for further results. 

3. Record everything

This follows the previous point of tracking your results. Before you even start, weigh yourself on an empty stomach and when you have had nothing to drink in the morning. Then, record everything you are eating and when you are exercising. Set a day when you are going to weigh yourself and analyse everything you have recorded after you have done your weekly weigh-in so you can see where things have gone wrong or right. If you've put weight on and it's because you've been having takeaways, then you know the reason why and you know what needs changing rather than just giving up at the first hurdle. A lot of people who don't record their results and are putting on weight usually assume the fitness life is not for them so they just pack it in. But if you're smart with it and can mark where things are going right and wrong, you know what needs maintaining and changing so you are more inclined to stay motivated and keep pushing on.

Note: It's so important to be honest with yourself when recording what you've eaten and when you've exercised.. If you've been dishonest then you don't know where changes to be made, and you're only cheating yourself.

4. Your mind gives up 1000 times before your body does

It is important to challenge yourself. Whilst it is crucial to listen to your body, you will not get the results by dawdling on the treadmill or doing five half-hearted press-ups. A quote that has stuck with me throughout my fitness journey is that your mind will give up a thousand times before your body does, and it can make you become your own worst enemy. Your body is a lot stronger than you think it is and can bear a lot of things. Never doubt yourself. Push through and your body will reward you. I promise. 

5. Surround yourself with like-minded people

 My Dad has ALWAYS told me 'Surround yourself with winners and you will be a winner. Surround yourself with losers and you will become a loser' and it is so true. When I started boxing I was surrounded by people who looked after themselves were always encouraging. They were achieving there goals and because I was regularly surrounded by these people I started to see really positive changes in myself. I have gradually cut out a lot of toxic people from my life who dragged me down, told me I couldn't do it or distracted me from my goals. Let's face it, what good is setting life-changing goals and surrounding yourself with people who have no self-respect, tell you you can't achieve your own goals, or constantly try to sway you? 

6. Make it enjoyable

When diet and exercise becomes a chore, that's when you're going to cave in immediately. Be adventurous, make it enjoyable. I myself have to change up my workout and diet so I can stay motivated and continue to enjoy myself. I love looking at other fitness bloggers videos and posts for inspiration so I can change my style a bit! 

7. Share your results

People are always full of encouragement and I was so overwhelmed with the positive comments I received when I shared my first 'before and after' post. People's kind words are so rewarding and make you want to do it even more. Obviously you are doing it for yourself and no one else, but you might even inspire other people to make positive changes to their lifestyle. There are always positives! 

8. Reward yourself

I highlighted earlier that challenging yourself and leaving your comfort zone is very important to get the results you want. But when you've done this, it's healthy to reward yourself. That doesn't mean empty your local takeaway, but have a cheat meal once a week as something to look forward to. Do something you enjoy with friends. Learn to appreciate yourself and the amazing changes you are making to your lifestyle. 

9. Buy new outfits

I wish I'd have done this before I started. Buy some outfits you want to look lean in/fit into (depending on your goals!). Make it realistic! Work towards the idea of looking amazing in that outfit on your next night out, or your next profile picture. Because when you get into that outfit it is one of the best feelings in the world. I have gone from nearing a size 14 to a size 8/XS in the space of six months and I felt amazing and so proud of myself in those H&M changing rooms! 

10. Have fun!

A healthy lifestyle isn't self-punishment. It is self-care. You are fuelling your body and nourishing yourself. Whatever your progress is, no matter how big or small, you are still making progress and taking action. Never give up at the first hurdle and always be proud of the accomplishments you make. 

Thank you so much for reading this post! I hope you stick around for more and get some motivation out of this blog. Make sure to follow now so you don't miss a thing and I will be writing the next post as you read this, so keep your eyes peeled!  


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