My Fitness Goals for 2019

Hello everyone! 

I know we've spoken loads about the importance of setting goals when vamping up our lifestyle. So I've decided to share with you my top five fitness goals of 2019 (just a note, these aren't entirely boxing related!). I cannot wait to see the changes in my body and in my mindset throughout the year and to share my achievements with you guys! 

1.  Build my arms and shoulders

I'm currently working really hard on getting defined biceps and shoulders. I've been blessed with a very petite back and set of shoulders. I've also noticed my biceps are starting to look very defined whilst I am doing weights and toning exercises, but at no other time which can be really frustrating. I want my biceps to look toned by my next fight so I can look lean and athletic in the ring but also because I really like the look of defined arms! 

2. Tone my legs more

I always have to work my legs harder than any other part of my body because my weight seems to go straight to my thighs and calves. I noticed the other week that they are starting to look a little leaner but there is still plenty of room for improvement. Looks like I will be doing lots more leg extensions and seated curls! 

3, Improve my stamina

Over November and December my fitness slipped a bit as I had been getting lots of chesty coughs and just feeling incredibly ill due to uni stress. I noticed in sparring and boxing drills I was just tiring so much more quickly and this had a knock-on effect on my confidence in the ring. I need to continue with circuits, endurance and cardio workouts so I can get my ring fitness to where it was in October 2018. 

4. Get a six pack!

This may seem very generic but by the end of this year I would love toned abs. I don't want it to look masculine and I would like it to be subtle, but this is when I know my hard work has paid off. I want to look good in my clothes, in the ring and just for myself. I've been quite close over the course of this year and lines have been developing but then something happens and the results just go. So I am staying dedicated this year and more determined than ever to achieve this body goal! 

5. Improve my confidence

Something that has really impacted how adventurous I get in the gym and my boxing abilities has been my confidence. I continuously doubt myself and it needs to stop because it is driving me backwards, not forwards. I have come so far since January 2018 and this is something to remember when I set foot in the gym, the ring and focus on what I am working towards. Confidence is key, but it comes with time and experience. 


Thank you so much for reading this post! I hope you stick around for more and get some motivation out of this blog. Make sure to follow now so you don't miss a thing and I will be writing the next post as you read this, so keep your eyes peeled!  


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