Pumping Glutes | FREE WORKOUT
Hi everyone! It's an incredibly scary time at the moment and no one knows what is going to happen. There are new updates every day, and people are feeling more and more like caged animals. So what is the best remedy for this? EXERCISE. And establishing a normative routine, maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. Exercise and fresh air are probably one of the best methods of creating those happy hormones, shaking yourself up whilst working from home, and just filling the time if you have nothing else to do. This workout has been designed to really sculpt and tone your legs and is also a great fat burner. I designed it myself and have completed it this afternoon in just over forty minutes. I'm very lucky to have a bit of gym equipment handy. If you don't have this equipment, grab a multipack of tins, full shopping bags etc., these will do! Make sure you are comfortable with the weight you are using. You can increase the weight suggested used and decrease it as you...